The Most Beautiful REAL LIFE Dog Story Collection
"Yes.....You Better Warn Your Family Now..... not to expect to see much of you, until you have read every last one of these amazing dog stories!" There's a brand new ebook full of genuine dog stories that you truly won't be able to put down until you have read every last word!
Dear Friend, Hello, I'm Sharda Baker, Are you a little like me and just love hearing those amazing dog stories? I'm thrilled to release this incredible collection of genuine, heart warming, often heart wrenching stories depicting that special bond that exists between humans and doggies. This collection of 123 dog stories illustrates the bond, the trust, the unquestioning selfless love, the fierce protection, that for some reason dogs share with us, humans. As you read these stories you will probably start thinking about someone you know who has had an amazing experience with their dog, maybe you yourself have a story to share one day? What the experts say about dogs and healing. For a long time medical experts have been talking about the "healing power" of our pets. There are many medical claims that pet owners have reduced stress, reduced heart disease and stroke compared to those in the general community who do not own a pet. How can this be? What's is it about owning a pet that can have such a profound effect on out health and well being? What is it about dog ownership that can stir those "feeling and emotions"" that non pet owners just can't understand. I mean, are you like me and have some friends that look a little strange at you when you have your doggy sitting up on your lap gazing deeply into your eyes? I had this idea one day..... I wanted to hear from others how their dog has had a dramatic effect on their lives, so I went about collecting doggy stories. I certainly opened Pandora's box. I remember clearly one of the first dog stories I received. It was from a woman called Deanna. Deanna was in the depths of depression, anxiety, suffered a social phobia and was contemplating suicide until something special happened. Here's one story from the ebook;
I was so moved after reading Deanna's story. It is so powerful and is just one of many amazing stories I was privileged to be able to share. Where did all the amazing true 123 stories come from? All the stories were sent in by dog owners who responded to a request from me to share a special doggy moment with others. I was sent in hundreds of stories and pictures. I spent several months reading them all and deciding on which ones to be included in the book. It wasn't easy choosing It truly wasn't easy choosing which stories to include as they all had a special charm of their own and had something unique to illustrate about the love humans and dogs share. I then had the stories professionally proof read, edited and put together in ebook format along with the relevant pictures that were sent in. I also had researched and included many special quotations written about dogs, including one's written by Plato, Sigmund Freud and Harry S Truman. The result is a unique, moving, and beautiful collection of stories that are sure to stir the heart of any who choose to read them. You will be taken away by the honesty and emotional roller coaster ride many of the stories provide. Click Here To Order The Dog Story ebook Safely And Securely
Here's what some people had to say about Sharda's Dog Story ebook package.
So what are the other stories about? Below is a list of the some of the stories you will find in the ebook
That's only a sample of the doggy story collection! Remember there's plenty more of them, 123 to be precise. Many of the stories also come with pictures and are sure to bring some joy, and warmth to any pet lover. I'll Tell You What I Would Like To Do.... I'm going to include some free bonuses which have been designed to compliment the doggy story ebook. So if you invest in your copy of "123 Doggie Stories of Inspiration, Laughter & Heart-Felt Memories" now, here's what I'll also throw in for NO extra cost.
FREE BONUS # 1 "Guide To Coping After Losing a Pet"- ebook. Very few relationships compare to the one you have with your pet. Your dog is very special to you. And when you lose a pet, or have one that is seriously ill, it’s one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to go through. Words alone can not express the loss that you are feeling. You may initially wonder how you are ever going to cope. You may even have a close friend or relative has been or is going through this now. This 120 page ebook clearly discusses the following detail;
FREE BONUS # 2 "All About Pet Insurance"- ebook It is common practice to plan a budget for you and your family. You may plan ahead for the week, month, year, or even several years into the future. You take into consideration regular expenses, foreseeable expenses, and even the unexpected. But have you thought about planning for your pet’s future expenses? Sure, you’ve probably thought about budgeting for food, treats, toys, equipment, and routine care, but what about budgeting for fracturing a leg while chasing a rabbit? Swallowing your favorite fountain pen? Getting stung by a bee? Or worse, bladder stones, hip dysplasia, or even cancer treatments? Unfortunately, many pet owners do not budget for these types of unexpected veterinary treatments. This, in turn, can end up forcing the pet owner to make the difficult decision of paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars for medical treatment—or sadly, no medical treatment at all. No matter what type of breed you have, you just can’t predict the future of your pet. This is how pet insurance may be beneficial. This free ebooklet explains pet insurance in a clear and logical way , so you are better able to decide if it is worthwhile for you and your pet or not.
FREE BONUS # 3 Dog Obedience Training At Home Made Easy - Audio. Each year, many dogs are lost or injured due to failure to follow their owner's commands. Some run after other animals and are injured on the road and some others are injured fighting with other animals . It's vital that every dog learns to respond to their owners commands quickly to help prevent injury. In this high quality recorded audio, you will hear how a professional dog trainer assists dog owners in teaching their dogs to follow simple commands, which is the basis for "Obedience Training. You will discover his proven methods of "Obedience Training at home". The audio is 53 minutes long. A fully typed transcription of the audio is also provided.
FREE BONUS # 4 Choosing a Pet Name. ebooklet. This ebooklet contains almost 2,000 pet names in alphabetical order. The names are separated into male and female groups. You will have fun finding a special and unique name amongst that truly suits your pet.
The above FREE bonuses are designed specifically to complement the care of your dog. The bonuses are genuine and are each worth every cent of their stated value. But , they're yours FREE. Congratulations! Why Am I Giving Away So Many FREE Bonuses? What's the catch? Well, there are 2 reasons and no catch as to why I am offering such genuine quality free bonuses. Firstly, I wish to over exceed your expectations and provide the best resources I can for you. It make sense really, because with my 100% no questions asked refund policy, you can have a full 100% refund for up to 60 days, so I want you to love my package and tell other how helpful it was to you. Otherwise you can return it right back to me for your full refund. Secondly, digital products do not require postage which means less overheads for me. But I don't know how long I'll can keep these bonuses up there. So if you want them, I suggest you get in quick. Click Here To Get Your Copy Now What's a resource like this worth? I though long and hard at what fair price was for the "123 Doggie Stories of Inspiration, Laughter & Heart-Felt Memories", and the free bonuses valued at over $68.00. The stories as I mentioned earlier, were sent in by doggy owners and were then collated and put together. The stories were painstakingly and carefully edited so as not to change the stories, just tidy them up where needed. The free bonuses were put together over a period of 7 weeks. I am happy just to get some money back for my time and costs in putting them together. I certainly aren't planning to give up my day job! Which is why this is such a genuine great investment at only $14.99 That's right, a fraction of what it's really worth and what it cost me in time and effort to put together. Just ask my family, who have hardly seen me lately. But I like to think it's worth stories like these SHOULD be shared! This package is an electronic book, audio and ebooklets that can be downloaded to your computer in a flash. Which means you can be reading it and discovering all these amazing secrets in as little as 5 minutes from now. I think it's incredible and of course wouldn't have been possible not so many years ago. Click Here To Order Safely And Securely So you'll want to be quick if you want to get a copy of the stories and freebies whilst they are at such good bargain basement price won't you? And, there's no need to take any risk because you are protected by my ironclad 100% guarantee.
Click Here To Start Reading These Beautiful Stories Now
Truly wishing you great success with your doggy! Warmly,
P.P.S. Remember, you're getting the just released e-book "123 Doggie Stories of Inspiration, Laughter & Heart-Felt Memories" for $14.99 plus 4 FREE bonuses valued at $68.84. This is all available right now for a limited time! So if that's what you want to do, this is the opportunity you've been waiting for. P.P.P.S. You also have a full 60 days to review the doggy stories e-book and free bonuses and discover for yourself the value and quality of these books. You can easily get a refund at anytime during those 60 days and you even get to keep the e-book and FREE bonuses. Takes all the risk out of trying the ebook doesn't it?
Click Here For Your Risk Free Purchase
P.P.P.P.S DON'T FORGET MY SPECIAL LIMITED TIME OFFER. For the next few days, I am including for FREE, 4 FREE Bonus resources valued at $68.84. That's over $68 of FREE bonuses just for trying my ebook called "123 Doggie Stories of Inspiration, Laughter & Heart-Felt Memories"! I guarantee you will just love these moving and genuine doggy stories that will shock and move you in their honesty! . Only $14.99 See above for more details. Thank you for visiting. Click Here To Order Safely & Securely
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